Little Debbie Cherry Pie packaging change

Saw these at the store recently, sitting right next to each other on the shelf..

Little Debbies Cherry Fruit Pie Box
 Old Packaging

Little Debbies MINI Cherry Fruit Pie Box
New Packaging

For a second, I thought Little Debbie released a new version of their Cherry Fruit Pies. However, I examined both packages very closely and found no differences in the product. I think it's simply a tweak to the packaging to make it more of an attention grabber. I did notice that the brand name has been changed to "Mini" Cherry Fruit Pies. A much more accurate description, and something I thought about during my original review of these wee little pies.

Fruit Pies can really pack a wallop in the calorie and fat columns, so mini pies are a great way to satisfy cherry fruit pie cravings without casting too much guilt upon yourself! With the new name change, Little Debbie may snag more fruit pie lovers like myself as customers. That is.. insane snack cake fanatics, with perpetual aspirations of eating a bit healthier.  Yup, we exist, and there's more of us than you might think.
