You too can now buy Banana Twinkies.. by the case!

I love Amazon. I use it to buy everything including snack cakes. If you're having problems finding Banana Twinkies like I have, you can now buy them by the case on Amazon. I split the cost with my son and we got a case full, and had Banana Twinkies for weeks! Here's the link..

Banana Twinkies for sale by the case
Splitting the cost between two or three snack cake lovers makes this very affordable, and can squash your Banana Twinkie cravings FAST.  

I've ordered several harder to find snack cakes this way. I'm not sure why, but Hostess seems to have a distribution problem ever since they have come back from bankruptcy. The shelves always seem inconsistently stocked, and items they tout on their web-site are often ridiculously hard to find.

And trust me, I search a ton of markets and stores for miles around. While traveling and during road trips, I also always search for new and interesting snack cakes. Therefore, I know it's not a problem with just local suppliers in the area where I live.

I'm not quite sure what Hostess is struggling with, but as an example, I haven't seen one of their Cherry Fruit Pies on shelves in 3 months. I will admit that Amazon isn't always the cheapest way to buy food, but buying in bulk at least makes it a bit more affordable per box. Any other cool deals and finds will be shared with you as I come across them.


  1. I gotta find these things in the wild.

    Love this blog BTW.


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