Review - Tastykake Glazed Cherry Pie

My perpetual search for a cherry fruit pie just as good as the Hostess fruit pies from the 70s and 80s continues. On deck this time.. Tastykake's Glazed Cherry Pie.

As far as appearance goes, the Tastykake Cherry Pie looks very similar to the old school Hostess Fruit Pies. In fact, it's the closest thing I've found to date that looks like the Hostess Fruit Pies of my youth.

Tastykake Glazed Cherry Pie cross section

I had such high hopes for this pie, but sadly the fruit pie had very little fruit. That's not to say however that this pie did not taste great. In fact, it was absolutely delicious. Sweet and tart, with a crisp and great tasting pie crust.

This pie ticks all the boxes for me except for the amount of cherries inside of the pie. I do believe that this is my favorite Cherry Pie snack cake that is currently on the market. Now I need to do one more thing. I want to do a side by side comparison of Hostess and Tastykake's Cherry Pies before I continue my search for something better. Stay tuned, as I want to do this very soon.
